Kamis, 28 April 2011

Televisi Indonesia A Crime Industry

arious news media presented crime, especially television, is considered able to inspire audiences to acts of criminality.

This is evident from the mutilations are performed Sri Rumiyati (48). Women who familiarly called Yati was admitted imitating the way Very Idam Henyansyah (Ryan) in killing one of his victims. Yati cut the corpse of her husband, Hendra, in order to eliminate traces.

Compass in record R & D, from January to November 2008 saw 13 incidents of mutilation murders in Indonesia. The highest figure for annual periods since the case of mutilation appeared in 1967. In 2007, seven events occurred mutilation (Kompas, 11/10/2008). Does high mutilation cases are due to incessant television show cases that imitated other community members? More horrible again, crime has become a spectacle which presented the television industry?

Not easy to conclude, television news crime presented a direct effect for the audience. There are three perspectives that can be put forward. First, the media is deemed to have full power to dictate the behavior of audiences. In this case, is considered a passive audience that simply responding to stimuli that digelontorkan media. Situation society full of alienation, isolation, depression, high unemployment and a fertile ground for the media in the drive in crime messages.

Second, the media is considered very weak to influence the audience. In this case, the audience can be active to negotiate or reject the messages presented in media crime. Intellectual power, economic level, or age is a determinant factor that can not be ruled out.

Third, the media have a limited impact for the audience. This can happen because the media is seen as one factor, in addition to other factors, such as psychological maturity, social contexts that surround individuals, and the selectivity of an audience of media loading so the media can influence the level of ideas, attitudes, or behaviors.

The phenomenon that should not be taken lightly is the television is too permissive to display crime cases. Scene reconstruction that is routinely displayed television has become a daily spectacle. Industrialization crime becomes increasingly widespread rolling television. Crime packed massively and repeatedly in the family room. The main reason that a pretext is the spectacle of evil cliche very interested audience. Audience's desire to be a justification that should not be denied. Rating, sharing, or commercial calculation resulted in criminality easily consumed.

Market mystification

When the managers of the high stall television crime news is displayed because of consumer demand, then there market mystification. That is, the market is considered as the driving force that can not be denied. In fact, the market is supply and demand mechanism. Market tastes can be created and directed. Market spectacle took place as naturally, when what actually took place in the market likely to be engineered.

Markets encourage crime news journalism simply serve the interests of capital and profits doubling. This fact took place consistent because, as stated by John H. McManus (Market-Driven Journalism: Let the Citizen Beware?, 1994), the market has six characteristics, namely (1) the quality and value is determined consumers rather than producers or the government, (2) responsive to consumers, (3) self-correction because the market is flexible, (4) constant motivation of market participants to compete, (5) relies on efficiency, and (6) the consumer is free to make choices.

However, the value that is often overlooked is the morality market. Television market never menggubris whether crime news shows bad for the audience. The main doctrine of the market is all spectacle sold to consumers. Are consumers into bad behavior because it mimics the scene sadism that aired, the show producers did not care. In fact, manufacturers tend to blame the audience can not be deemed to be critical of crime news. That is what the business called externalities, ie, destruction and social immorality that occur are considered outside the responsibility of the media. Television is never wrong because consumers themselves are considered to know the risks.


Industrialization crime potentially run television and the real is able to create an inspiration for subsequent criminal acts. This is easily triggered when people hit by anomie, ie the situation without norms. In the situation of anomie, community and social order declined, replaced by a sense of alienation and confusion. In situations anomie, there excessive emphasis on life goals, but new ways of reaching that goal can not provided sufficient due to the virtues which are all relative as corruptor honored and respected. One of the key forces involved in planting life goals is the media. Media also are taught how to run a life of crime to achieve that goal (Yvonne Jewkes, Media and Crime, 2005).

Television repeatedly gives examples of how to menerabas law can be used to achieve the purpose of life is considered a success. Although it is considered a crime, which means the violation of the law and norms, it is still imitated certain individuals. Because, they think there is no other better way than to act as a criminal. That's where the television instill evil behavior and conduct learning community. Those who do it usually impersonation of marginal groups who do not have access to achieve a good purpose in life is also due to the corrupt-seated dipemerintahan corruptor.

Traditionally, industries that rely on television crime is street crime cases involving the periphery. Was not easy to provoke a sensation of street crime because it involves physical violence bloody? Fit with the dogma of crime in the television industry, which reads: If it bleeds, it leads. The more bloody the more lively because of anomie-stricken society like Indonesia so bloodthirsty as ancient Roman times.

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