Rabu, 23 Maret 2011


Until now, the worm makes dihewan our domestic problems, especially on our favorite dog ..
Worms are the animal types of parasites in the dog's body, because the worms live in 2 (two) the place, which is living in the digestive tissues (intestine base) and there is life in the body tissue that is present in HEART, LUNG, HEART.
Worm worm is very worrying us as a loving dog, even extremely deadly in our pets because worms that accumulated in the body of the animal.
Therefore it is very necessary because we consider the problem of worms in our pets, especially puppies, puppy because since in the womb of its mother, had deposited eggs inside the worm plasentanya.sehingga born puppy was brought seed worms, and after excluding the child suckle on parent, so that the child is deposited back diluarpun beni worms who participated through its mother's milk.

So it is not uncommon puppies at the age of 3 weeks or a few days the puppy had diarrhea stools like chili seeds, mean seed worms or eggs are hatched within the body of the puppy. So at age 3 weeks is not unusual for a puppy is that what happened dysentery The immediate if not addressed will lead to weakness in the puppy including anemia and lack of iron in the body of the puppy. Thus in the weak position of the puppy is a virus in the body of children rose vorvo dog, causing a fatal cardiovascular death and transmitting it to several relatives.

By because it is to prevent undesirable things like the above, should the puppy at the age of 2 weeks we must also write to the puppies worm medicine is for young worm seed quickly eradicated with weight adjusted dose or a dose of 300 mg / 10 kg of body weight. Over the past 2 or 3 days. (Using albendazole + levamizole. To avoid mencret. / Deare)

But remember to this day there is no any kind of worm medicine that can kill the worm eggs, it means that we turn off until today is the worm only, and not their eggs. Meaning:
Every day the worm eggs hatch, so at age 2 weeks the worm has become mature and ready to lay back and beyond a dog's life age.

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