Rabu, 30 April 2014

Business English Assignment 4

Nama : winda trie ananda
Kelas : 4 ea 18
Npm  : 18210532

Postingan 2

1.      Verb as Complement
adalah kata atau kelompok kata yang melengkapi makna dari subject, verb, atau object. Dengan demikian, ada tiga macam complement, yaitu: subject, verb, dan object complement.
Verb followed by invinitive
adalah suatu verbal yang terdiri dari particle to dan bentuk simple dari verb (bare infinitive) dimana dapat berfungsi sebagai noun, adjective, atau adverbVerbal merupakan suatu kata yang dibentuk dari kata kerja, namun berfungsi sebagai part of speech lain. Verbal yang lain yaitu gerund dan participle. Seperti verbal lainnya, kata ini lebih umum untuk menamai action (aksi) atau state (keadaan).
Contoh :
With infinitives
I asked her to leave.
I wanted to leave.
I helped him to leave
Verb Followed by Gerund
adalah suatu kata yang dibentuk dari verb (kata kerja) dengan ditambahkan suffix (akhiran) -ing dan berfungsi sebagai noun (kata benda).
Contoh :
With gerunds
I considered leaving the job.
I regretted his leaving the job.
They decided on leaving.
Verb and Preposition Followed by Gerund
-We laughed about having to do such silly things.
-My sister is always talking about having her hair dyed.
-She apologised for not introducing herself sooner.

Adjective and Preposition Followed by Gerund
Contoh :
-She is committed to improving her English.
-I am bored of doing the same old job.
-She is afraid of speaking in public.

Business English Assignment 3

Nama : winda trie ananda
Kelas : 4 ea 18
Npm  : 18210532

Postingan 1

1.    Perbedaan Simple Past dan Present Perfect
simple past tense dipakai saat keterangan waktunya sudah selesai, sedangkan present perfect dipakai saat keterangan waktunya belum selesai/masih berlanjut.
Contoh :
Present Perfect Tense
Digunakan ketika:
>> Waktu periode masih BELUM selesai.
Contoh: I have seen three movie this week.
This week (minggu ini) belum selesai.

>> Untuk memberikan ''informasi terbaru''
Contoh: Martin has crashed his car again.
Informasi terbaru.

>> Waktunya tidak jelas
Contoh: I have seen this movie already.
Waktunya tidak jelas.

>> Dipakai untuk kata 'since' dan 'for' tapI kejadiannya masih berlangsung.
Contoh: I have lived in Victoria for 3 years.
Sekarang Masih tinggal di Victoria.

Past Tense
Digunakan ketika:

>> Waktu periodenya telah selesai.
Contoh: I saw three movie last week.
Last week telah selesai, telah berlalu.

>> Untuk memberitahukan informasi lama.
Contoh: Martin crashed his car last year.
Informasi yang lama (last year).

>> Kita sudah tahu waktunya kapan.
Contoh: I saw that movie on Thursday.
Waktunya sudah tahu kapan.

>> Digunakan juga 'since' dan 'for' tapi kejadiannya sudah berakhir.
I lived in Victoria for 3 years.
Sekarang udah gak tinggal lagi di Victoria.

2. Subject Verb Agreement
Adalah persesuaian antara verb dengan subject dalam hal number, yaitu: singular (tunggal) atau plural (jamak). Subjek dapat berupa nounpronoun, atau konstruksi lain yang berakting sebagai noun, seperti gerund dan infinitive. Pada dasarnya, singular subject (subjek tunggal) menggunakan singular verb (kata kerja tunggal), sedangkan plural subject (subjek jamak) menggunakan plural verb (kata kerja jamak).
Contoh :
-The student sings. (He or she sings)
-The bird does migrate. (It does)
-Your children sing. (They sing)
-Those birds do migrate. (They do)
3.   Possessive Pronoun adalah kata ganti yang berfungsi untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan. Di dalam suatu kalimat, kata ini dapat menempati posisi sebagai subjectsubject complement, atau direct object
- Mine has worn out.
-They are using ours
Possessive adjective adalah determiner (special adjective) yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kepemilikan (possession) terhadap noun. Possessive adjective terdiri dari myyour, his, her, its, our, dan their
Contoh :
-My shoes have worn out
-They are using our tools.
4. Collective Noun adalah kata benda yang menunjukkan pada suatu kelompok/kumpulan orang, binatang, atau benda.
Contoh :
The football team is entering this stadium.
Your group should be more professional.

Rabu, 02 April 2014

Business English Assignment 2

Nama : winda Trie Ananda
Kelas : 4ea18
Npm : 18210532 

a.      Past Tense
Pas tense is used to talk about something that started and finished at a definite time in the past.
Formula :
Nominal form :
·         He/She/It + was + complement
·         You/We/They + were + complement
Verbal form :
·         I/You/We/They/He/She/It + verb 2 + object/adverb
Example :
·         Eca went to Raja Ampat a week ago
·         Did you come to his apartment last saturday?
b.      Present Tense
The simple present tense in English is used to describe an action that is regular, true or normal.
For this purpose are often used as adverbs :
Ø  Always
Ø  Often
Ø  Usually
Ø  Seldom
Ø  Twice a year
Ø  Occasionally
Ø  Every day
Ø  Every week
Ø  Never 
Formula :
Nominal form :
Ø  I/You/We/They + to be (am, are) + complement
Ø  He/She/It + to be (is) + complement
Verbal form :
Ø  I/You/We/They + verb 1 + object/adverb
Ø  He/She/It + verb 1 + s/es + object/adverb
Example :
Ø  We are usually busy on Saturday morning
Ø  The sun rises in the east and sets in the west
c.       Future Tense
Future tense is a verb form that generally marks the event described by the verb as not having happened yet, but expected to happen in the future.
Formula :
Nominal form
o   I/We + will/shall + be + complement
o   He/She/It/They/You + will + complement
Verbal form
o   I/We + will/shall + verb 1 + object/adverb
o   He/She/It/They/You + will + verb 1 + object/adverb
Example :
o   Marno will go there with Ina
o   Will you come to my apartment tonight?
§  Singular noun is describing only one person, place or thing
§  Plural noun is describes more than one person, place or thing.
Example :
§  Budi is a student in the Gunadarma University.
§  My face is handsome.
§  They are meets her employee in front of the office
§  My store are rented for two years.
Pronoun is a word or form that substitutes for a noun or noun phrase. It is a particular case of a pro-form. Common pronouns include he, her, him, I, it, me, she, them, they, us, and we.
A.    Personal pronoun are pronouns that are associated primarily with a particular grammatical person – first person (as I), second person (as you), or third person (as he, she, it).
Example :
v  It is the most interesting book that I have ever read.
v  He borrowed me two interesting books.
B.     Possessive pronoun, include my, mine, our, ours, its, his, her, hers, their, theirs, your, yours, whose, and one's - all words that demonstrate ownership.
Example :
v  Yours are on the mountain.
v  Their food are the best for body slim.
C.     Reflexive pronoun, a pronoun that is preceded by the noun, adjective, adverb or pronoun to which it refers (its antecedent) within the same clause. In generative grammar, a reflexive pronoun is an anaphor that must be bound by its antecedent (see binding). In a general sense, it is a noun phrase that obligatorily gets its meaning from another noun phrase in the sentence.
Example :
v  Belu didn’t blame herself for the accident.
v  The students ate cookies that they cooked by themselves
Source :

Business English Assignment 1

Nama : winda Trie Ananda
Kelas : 4ea18
Npm : 18210532

Cici Ingenious and Naughty Bunny

Forests are often seen as a scary place , that afternoon changed becoming a pleasant place . Cengkrama the occupants change the atmosphere becomes more beautiful . Wolves , tigers , lions , until the cute animals like rabbits , squirrels , cats , and many other stay in the forest they call home As with the other creatures of God , each of them has advantages and disadvantages . Cici rabbit agile and ingenious it also has to his mischievous nature . Poem , small cat and squirrel Upi often victims of ignorance .

That afternoon Cici , Poem and Upi playing together in a field . They romp around, hiding behind the bushes , laughing merrily . Because they feel tired resting on green grass . Cici suddenly saw something lying in the plastic wrap .
" Hi friends ... behold ! Cici shouted while pointing to the plastic bag . They approached the thing and it turns out a packet of food and cake .
" Wah ... food friends .. " shouted Upi .
"This is fun ... we eat well this afternoon .. " Poem cheered with joy .
Cici take the cake , open the package and smell the fragrant aroma of the cake . Suddenly a devious intentions .
" Ah ... this cake is definitely favors at all , especially if I eat it alone without sharing with them " . He muttered to himself.
"Friends of the cake seems to pack stock carpenter often to the forest , he may have just come here and not go too far . what if I susullkan this cake , is not helping too noble deeds ? Cici convinced his friend .
Disappointed expression on the face of Upi and Poem , they fail to eat the cake that smelled delicious .

Cici was immediately turned away and ran toward the road out of the forest . After running away from her Cici enough to stop regulating the breath , he look to the right to the left , he smiled , felt safe and there was no one there , he sat down and immediately open the plastic wrap ." Ha .. ha .. you guys actually fooled my friend .. I just want this cake for my own meal without sharing it with you . " He muttered excitedly . Without thinking he began eating the cake greedily . Yum ... yum ... yum ... as much fun she did not realize that ther e is a danger that was on him . Suddenly ...
Bruukk ..!
" Aaahhgg ... tolooong ... " Cici loud scream . A wolf appeared from behind a bush and immediately pounced Cici tiny body . Sharp nails make Cici did not dare move because she struggled so little claws that wolves will hurt . He kept crying and screaming for help .
" I Toloong comrade wolf pack ... let me go ... "
" Haahaa ... no sweet child that will help you .. " said the wolf .
Cici was racked his brain in order to figure out how he can be free from the grip of the wolf . Finally he got the idea .
" Mr. Wolf , I had two friends there . What if I pick them here so you can eat more " . Cici trying to fool the wolves.
Imagine the greedy wolf will eat more today with the presence of friends Cici .
" All right , call them but I had to come in behind you . " Said seriagala .
Cici happy because it was able to persuade the wolves . In his mind he is constantly looking for ways to not follow the pack of wolves .
" Slowly , yes your way so they do not hear your footsteps . I was worried they would run away in fear. "
" I call fast there has been very hungry ! " Wolf snapped taking off its grip .
Cici was running towards his friends who had been left behind . While wolves follow the steps slowly . Cici realize it ran over backwards while occasionally calling her .
" Upi ... Poem ... help me ... I chased the wolf ... " Cici cried when she knew the wolf was already far behind . From a distance her friend heard screaming Cici . They quickly burrow into the hole behind the bushes . The wolf was furious when he realized he was fooled .
" Cheeky! I tricked the little creatures ! Caution will not disconnect me again if you get caught ! " Wolf ran desperately chasing Cici .
Cici kept running , he puzzled his friends no longer exists in its original place . While wolves are close behind him . Cici panic and think will face the danger alone .
" Oops ... " , Cici legs suddenly felt exciting. He was screaming and did not even dare to open my eyes .
" Mr. Wolf ... do not eat me , forgive me .. "
" Shh ... , I Ci , open your eyes , this Upi and Poem .. "
" Come quickly Ci ... " with a sense of togetherness they eventually survived .
But the wolf was still pacing near their hideout . His voice broke the silence of the woods , scaring the whole forest . Cici getting chills at his hideout .
" O little rabbit alert you ! Will not let it go again . I 'll wait until it comes out of hiding . " The wolf was asleep near the three of them hiding .
A sudden attack of red ants wake . He circled around to avoid the ants attack .
" Oh no .. my ears my whole body hurts ... it hurts ... ! basic ant is useless ! Oops ... my eyes were attacked .. sakiit ... , I can be blind to this extent . " " Please ... ! "Cried wolf while running stray .
Cici , Poem and Upi ventured outside to see the situation . The wolf was gone around them . Their breath panting , sweat profusely . Cici tesedu crying uncontrollably .
" Hic .. hic .. I'm sorry my friends , I'm guilty on you . I have lied .. " cici finally telling the truth . His friend was not upset let alone hate . Cici also promised not to repeat it again .
" Cici never mind ... we forgive ... " Poem said wisely .
" Terimaksih friend , I promise not to repeat it again .. " Cici answered sincerely .

They also see the red ants and grateful for the help they survived . Cici acknowledge his greatness . Ants are not requested any assistance to help them ..
" O God .. , I am so sinful that are not doing well on my friends . " In the heart Cici promised not to repeat it again .
The three of them together eventually return to their homes , while maintaining one another because it was getting dark . And the night bird song drifted .

Hijau : Subject
merah : verb
Biru : complment
kuning : modifier